Monday, August 2, 2010

We were all visited by the chaplain today so we could finish our Duty to God rocker. Most everybody has finished up some of their rockers (over-achievers). Tomorrows our last day at jamboree, then we eave for home on Wednesday!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Many apologies for the lack of posting last night. We were all at the biggest, best arena show ever! It was filled with fire and lights, appearances from Switchfoot and Honor Society, and even Mike Rowe!! We also were able to watch the largest fireworks display on a military base in history. The show lasted from 8-11:30 thus the lack of posting. President Obama was not able to show up but had the kindness to send in a 30 second video congratulating us on our 100th anniversary. Then today we had another great day at jamboree.