Monday, August 2, 2010

We were all visited by the chaplain today so we could finish our Duty to God rocker. Most everybody has finished up some of their rockers (over-achievers). Tomorrows our last day at jamboree, then we eave for home on Wednesday!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Many apologies for the lack of posting last night. We were all at the biggest, best arena show ever! It was filled with fire and lights, appearances from Switchfoot and Honor Society, and even Mike Rowe!! We also were able to watch the largest fireworks display on a military base in history. The show lasted from 8-11:30 thus the lack of posting. President Obama was not able to show up but had the kindness to send in a 30 second video congratulating us on our 100th anniversary. Then today we had another great day at jamboree.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Everyone had fun waking up at 5:30 to run the 5k today. After the 5k we all came back to breakfast, then had another fun-filled day at Jamboree 2010! Plus, we had everybody's favorite for dinner, burgers!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

We were struck by rain today. Fortunately most of us were able to find shelter, which provided us a great opportunity to meet new people and trade some excellent patches. Fortunately the storm went as quickly as it passed, though it had been quite a downpour. Almost Everything is dry already, which you'd expect in 90 degree weather. Everyone is doing great and were are all really coming together. Can't wait for the next day of jamboree!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Jamboree had an arena show today. It was full of the Golden Knight Paratoopers, Miss America, the Chief Scout Executive, Survivor and Amazing Race boy scouts, and the secretary of defense Robert Gates. After that we were free to run around and do activities just like yesterday. Another fun day at Jamboree!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ahhh the glory of freedom, of being away from parents. Haha we had a great day today. The youth ran off around camp dong activities, taking merit badges, etc. Kind of a rough start with people forgetting to clean or to do their jobs, but there's plenty more ready to help out. Shows start tomorrow!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sorry all for the missed update yesterday.I promise I will explain, but in chronological order. Yesterday started out with Arlington National Cemetery, where we attended a patriotic service and witnessed the changing of the guard. It was a jaw-dropping ceremony, carried out with extreme precision. We spent a lot of time there and then we went to lunch. After lunch we went to the Lincoln Memorial, where we were struck by rain. We were forced to remain there, thus missing our appointment at the National Archives. However it gave us the chance to see the Vietnam and Korean Memorials which were absolutely amazing. We went to diner at a sea food buffet, then we went to see the FDR and Jefferson memorials, which were very interesting. When we arrived at the hotel at 9:30, the power was out. We waited for a solution, then we were told that we were looking for a new hotel. We found one at around 1 AM and then started moving there. We arrived at 2:30. Props to the Marriot hotel, who was able to jump to their feet to prepare all those rooms for us and make us breakfast when they were completely unaware we'd be dropping by. Today we quickly toured Mount Vernon then rode on down here to Fort AP Hill. We're finally at the Jamboree! The rest of the day was set up of our campsite and besides from a few broken tent poles we're doing most excellent. I promise I'll post tomorrow!